Intro Path 08:
The Three Portals
So. Here we are. Good to see you.
Now, listen up.
There are three issues that need to be handled whenever I begin coaching a new participant.
You, of course, are a new participant, so we need to handle these three issues.
We call these issues "portals." You need to pass successfully through the Three Portals for the SkyVillage coaching to work.
Now, please understand: you don't have to pass through the Three Portals in order to simply take a look at what SkyVillage has to offer. You can go right in there any time you want, under any circumstances or conditions. Hell, you can go into SkyVillage right now, if you want, by clicking here.
But if you want SkyVillage to work--that is, if you want your life to get better on account of your participation in SkyVillage--then you are going to have to pass successfully through the Three Portals. That's just the way it is.
You get it.
The First Portal:
This coaching is only going to work if you authentically want your life to get better.
The Second Portal:
This coaching is only going to work if you give me permission to coach you, and if you agree to be coachable.
The Third Portal:
This coaching is only going to work if you are not impaired by dysfunctional personal habits.
We'll deal with the Three Portals one at a time, beginning when you click here.
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